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BBC and other foreign media reporters were arrested by the Myanmar military

Time:2021-04-25     Author:admin【Reserved】   From:sina.com.cn   Read

According to Myanmar media reports, on March 19 local time, BBC Nay Pyi Taw reporter Andura and former Myanmar Mizma News Agency reporter Dan Tai will be arrested by the Myanmar military.

△BBC correspondent in Naypyidaw Andura (left), former correspondent of Myanmar Mizma News Agency in Naypyidaw (right)

△BBC correspondent in Naypyidaw Andura (left), former correspondent of Myanmar Mizma News Agency in Naypyidaw (right)

  The family of General Dantai said that Dantai would be arrested while reporting for the BBC in front of the court. It is understood that the Mizma News Agency and four other Myanmar media were revoked by the Myanmar Propaganda Department on March 8. Therefore, Dantai would be reporting for the BBC at that time.

  In addition, reporters from the Associated Press and many other media were arrested while reporting on the protests and were charged with violating Article 505 of the Myanmar Criminal Law. Article 505 of the Burmese Criminal Law stipulates that if the intention to incite the public or certain groups of people to undermine the stability of the federal government or the country constitutes a crime, it will be sentenced to a maximum of two years’ imprisonment or a fine or both. (Headquarters reporter Wang Yuezhou)

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