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South Korea's Ministry of Legal Affairs proposed to amend the refugee law, the head of the CAG refugee group protested

Time:2021-02-27     Author:adm【Original】   Read

Pictured: A protest letter submitted to the Ministry of Legal Affairs by the Refugee Group of the Almighty God Church

When South Korea's Ministry of Legal Affairs announced a legislative proposal for a partial amendment to the refugee law, the CAG of China's cult was protesting. That's because if passed, the amendment could be a fatal and incalculable blow to the rise of the CAG, which claims to be a "religious refugee" rooted in South Korea. The Almighty God Church's insistence on China's oppression and human rights and its demand for refugee status is frustrating. On February 5th representatives of the CAG sent a refugee group to the Ministry of Legal Affairs to formally submit a protest against the amendment of the refugee law, which aroused the attention of the South Korean media.

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